Tim-Niclas Oelschläger zokki
  • Germany
  • https://zokki.net
  • 💻 Developer from Germany | Passionate about Go, web tech, DevOps, & open-source 🌱 | Building with Go, TS, & CI/CD 🚀

  • Joined on 2022-09-11

Hi there, I'm Tim-Niclas Oelschläger! 👋

Hello! This is my Gitea profile. You can find my projects and repositories here.

About Me

  • 🖥️ I've been coding in Go and Typescript primarily since 2020
  • 🌱 I'e currently learning new technologies and improving my coding skills
  • 💼 I'm open to collaborating on interesting projects
  • 📫 How to reach me


  • Programming Languages: Go, Typescript, JavaScript, Python
  • Frameworks: Node.js, Angular, Ionic, Electron, Templ
  • Tools: Git, Docker, etc.